Posts Tagged ‘giveaway’

Facebook Giveaway

November 5, 2011

Matt and Paul wanted more people “liking” our Facebook page. Can’t blame them, Facebook is popular and interesting. My entire family uses it.

So, to “motivate” people to check it out, they’re having a sweepstakes. It’s operated by an custom Facebook app that tracks entries and even randomly picks winners.

To enter, you have to have a Facebook account and email.

Check it out!

Hobby People Facebook


25 Radio Giveaway at Hobby People

February 23, 2011

Our CEO has created a new giveaway I really like. It involves free stuff and that’s ALWAYS good!


Through March and April, 2011 if you sign up on the email list (or if you already are on our email mailing list) you will be entered in a drawing to win 1 of 25 radios. It’s free to enter and they’re giving away either an M11X or SD-10G (your choice!).


The details and sign up are here: